Cortana is left behind?

When you see this video you know how Microsoft try to show weakness of apple's product Iphone 6.
I like this video because the way they turn the fact that Apple's Siri better than Microsoft's Cortana so LOL.

Comparison among Siri,Cortana and Google Now test is 25.8%, 11.7 % and 33.3%. The percentage gotten from how personal assistant artificial intelligent can answer questions
Below are questions to test Personal Assistant to Cortana, Siri, and Google Now :

  • How long is the movie Fanny and Alexander?Cortana : 0%; Siri: 100%; Google Now: 100%
  • Find the limit of 5x/(1+x^3) as x approaches infinity. 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • Give me directions to the nearest Chinese restaurant. 0%; Siri: 100%; Google Now: 100%
  • Where, near here, can I get a pineapple? 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • What is "cat" translated to Lao? 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 75%
  • Tell me an argument for and against the claim, "It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people." 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • How do people get Alzheimer's? 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • Why are people against cloning? 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • When is the next Chicago Marathon? 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 100%
  • Play me a song or piece in the genre K-pop. 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • Play me a song or piece in the genre trad jazz. 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • List the countries that allow autonomous vehicles. 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • Advise me how to improve sustained attention and executive processing. 0%; Siri: 0%; Google Now: 0%
  • What is Commercial International Bank's total assets? 0%; Siri: 100%; Google Now: 100%

  • Big thanks to Ms. Smith who give me a lot of data. If you want to know more Ms.Smith.

    We can infer google now better than others and I could not agree more that for all three personal assistant yet capable being a truly personal assistant.

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